26. Hint Hunt
First, a promise: no spoilers! The nice people at Hint Hunt really don't like it when you talk about Hint Hunt, so we'll keep this to the information we were given before the game started.
Hint Hunt is an 'escape the room' game - there are a few of these around but Hint Hunt has *probably* been going the longest. The basic idea is that you are locked in a room and you have an hour to get out, before........................ they let you out - but trust us, when you're in it, getting yourself out seems like an important thing to do.
We were our usual team of three but every team is also assigned a "game master" - a benevolent individual who watches everything you do in the room and has the power to help you should they feel so inclined. Think "Hunger Games" without having to kill each other.
Our game master told us that the success rate for Hint Hunt is about 50% and we were also surprised to learn that the record time for getting out of the room was something in the region of 54 minutes - all of a sudden this sounded like a real challenge!
After an hour of ransacking, clue solving, crazed shouting at both each other and the message screen from the game master ("WHAT DO YOU MEAN?!") we made it out with a very respectable 1:37 on the clock.
Hint Hunt list trumps!
Originality: 4/5 (OK there are a few of these around now but it's generally accepted that Hint Hunt were there first)
Cost: 5/5 (My lovely work colleagues from Mount Vernon Cancer Centre bought the ticket for my birthday - but it really is good value for money)
Fun factor: 5/5 - definitely raising the bar for the rest of the to-do list