The To Do List!

Sunday, 16 March 2014

14. Pancake Day!

Tuesday, March 4th
Shrove Tuesday / Pancake Day

with resident pancake destroyer Lotti

Everyone loves pancakes.  Everyone.  And when the whole world (or at least a large proportion of the UK) is making pancakes, we join in.  We weren't doing things by halves though: between the three of us we had plans sweet and savoury, big and small, traditional and Paleo...

A selection of toppings

Rather than opt for traditional sugar and lemon, Anett and Lotti started savoury.  Anett had the first successful flip of the day and turned out this beauty:

Anett's savoury option

Lotti's flip, however, was less successful:

The unfortunate-looking (but still tasty) outcome of the Lotti Flip Massacre

 I'm normally a traditional sugar and lemon kind of girl but alas I'm on a Paleo challenge so no sugar for me and more worryingly, no flour!  Panic not though, dear readers - my friend Chrissy gave me a recipe using banana instead of flour and she even promised it wouldn't taste like banana...

Paleo pancakes in the pan
Now it has to be said that the batter looked like baby vomit.  And it reeeeeally smelled like banana.  I'm brave though so I dropped it into the pan to see what happened and lo and behold, my three dollops of baby vomit turned into three fairly respectable looking pancakes!  I stacked them up in a bowl with natural yogurt, strawberries and blueberries and with only a little Instagramming from Lotti, the result was rather pretty:

Paleo pancake berry stack
It did taste a little bit like banana though!

Pancake Day list trumps ratings!
Cost: 5/5 (cheap and delicious)
Originality: 2/5 (OK everyone was doing it, but we get a point for toppings and a point for Paleo batter)
Fun factor: 5/5 (fun and delicious)

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